Contact Eleni Kokkinaki - Kleinaki Notary in Chania Crete
If you wish to contact the address of the office is:
Str. Peridou & Ipsilandon N.4 (2nd floor)
Chania, P.C. 73135, Crete, Greece (opposite of the closed public Parking)
Phone/Fax: +30 28210 42678
E-mail: info@notarycrete.com
Alternatively, please fill out the form on the left and then click the “Send” button.
Contact the Notary
Peridou and Ipsilanton 4 (2nd floor), Chania, PC 73135, Crete. (Compared to the municipal parking)
Tel / Fax: +30 28210 42 678 – Mobile: +30 6945152682 – Email: info@notarycrete.com